Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > AutoExtractOnPrimary{n}


String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, String, String(schema, mapping, auto‑script‑path, rdb‑path, rdb‑name, true|false, execution‑location, server‑name, extract-workers)

Not specified


The AutoExtractOnPrimary<n> parameter on the primary SDS node is necessary only when using the Working Set database replication mode. It specifies how data and RPS mapping changes are extracted when a reorganization takes place on a primary SDS node that is supporting an RPS database operating in Working Set database replication mode.

The <n> variable in the parameter name indicates a unique number; for example:

AutoExtractOnPrimary1 = ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema,
                        DocumentationExample, \rps, \rps, ErewhonTables, false,                             ClientExecution, PrimaryServer
AutoExtractOnPrimary2 = LibraryExampleSchema, LibraryExample, 2 \rps, \rps,
                        LibraryTables, true, ServerExecution

Use this parameter for the automatic extract and load activities of a reorganization, specifying a comma-separated string representing the following values.

Value Description
schema Schema for which data is extracted.
mapping RPS mapping for which data is extracted.
auto-script-path Location of the created load script and extract files, from the viewpoint of the primary SDS node. This location must be visible to the RPS node and to the RDBMS, and it must be the same location as that specified in the AutoScriptPath parameter on the RPS node.
rdb-path Location of the auto‑script‑path directory value from the viewpoint of the RDBMS. This location is used in the load script that is applied to the RDBMS.
rdb-name Name of the RDBMS database. This name is used in the load script that is applied to the RDBMS.
true|false Whether automatic bulk extracts on RPS nodes are to include data in historical tables (defaults to false).
execution-location ClientExecution or ServerExecution.
server-name Name of server (if execution‑location was ClientExecution).
extract-workers Number of extract workers to use.

When the schema for which these values are defined is reorganized, the alter script for the RPS mapping (if any) is generated during the transition phase on the primary SDS node.

If the alter script exists and an extract is required to reload data, the data is extracted to a subdirectory of the location specified in the associated path values of this parameter. The subdirectory name includes the mapping instance, to avoid overwriting files with a subsequent reorganization before the Datapump application loads them. It is your responsibility to delete these files when they are no longer required.

This is the only parameter in this section that is valid on the primary SDS node. It is not created or updated by the RPS Manager application.

Parameter is read when …

A reorganization occurs on the SDS primary node.

Applicable to database role or subrole…
